![]() | This page is in the process of an expansion or major restructuring and is not yet ready for use. You are welcome to assist in its construction by editing it as well. If you are the editor who added this template and you are actively editing, please be sure to replace this template with {{WIP}} during the active editing session. |
Template:HelpSide BoroondaraWiki relies on editors contributing information. We encourage site contributers to be bold and add content.
Some general principles to consider when editing a page:
- Be bold! If you see a mistake or something that needs improvement, fix it yourself.
- Use sub-headings. These help to organise articles. Sub-headings also make finding information easier.
Editing a page
At the top of every page are several navigation tabs.
Adding content
You are now ready to start contributing! Have a look at any existing content and see what knowledge and information you can contribute. Remember: be bold and do not be afraid to add something, even if you do not think that it is necessarily very important or noteworthy.
For information on researching content, please see the main help article on research linked above.
Creating a new page
Editing an existing page
Adding a file
Including media in an article often helps to communicate its contents. Whether that be a photo, map or something else, adding a file is a good way to improve BoroondaraWiki.
You can browse any existing media through the category system of the wiki. If you see something you like, add it using [[File:FILENAME|RESOLUTION (e.g. 200px)|ALIGNMENT (e.g. left, right or center|CAPTION]]
If you would like to upload a new file that is not already included on the wiki, see Help:Media.
Adding categories and templates
Some best pratice to consider when adding categories:
- Content should only be placed in its sub-category. For example, a photo of Balwyn would be placed in Category:Balwyn, not in Category:Suburbs.
- Create sub-categories if required. When doing so, make sure that any relevant existing content is also moved into the new sub-category.