1882 Hawthorn rail disaster

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The 1882 Hawthorn rail disaster was a serious crash involving two trains colliding at Pic Nic Railway Station near the Hawthorn Railway Bridge adjacent to the Yarra River on 2 December 1882. 178 people were injured and one killed in the incident which resulted in a Board of Inquiry. The Board's final report concluded that a new timetabling procedure failed to adequately notify drivers of train movements during the operation of a special train, combined with inexperienced crew, disorganisation within the Railways Department and a lack of proper procedure all combined to cause the disaster.[1]


  1. 'Hawthorn Railway Accident. Report of the Board Appointed to Inquire Into and Report Upon the Cause of the Late Accident of the Hawthorn Line of Railway, Together with the Minutes of Evidence, etc.'. Government Printer: Melbourne. 1883. Parliament of Victoria. https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/papers/govpub/VPARL1883-2ndSessionNo15.pdf, accessed: 22 May 2023